Friday, July 20, 2012

Lookout Weekend Cause' Here We Come


It's the weekend again and that means yard and estate sales! Today there happened to be and estate sale down the street from where Thom and I live (about four blocks or so). So we braved the overcast morning and rode our bikes down to the Gold Coast. They call this part of Alameda the Gold Coast because of the number of very old, very expensive, and very beautiful houses found in this part of the island. Today's estate sale happened to be in one of the oldest houses there, built in 1916 I believe.

Bikes full of treasure
Fortunately there was not a lot of people at today's sale and the house was huge (an Alameda mansion) so it was a good and easy day to shop. I found stuff for my Etsy store (seller; Sewmanity) and Thom found three picnic baskets for the Gatsby picnic. We have so much to pack and carry for the picnic that we've been hoarding good sized baskets and trunks whenever we run across them. This particular estate sale had great prices so we picked up three baskets to add to our arsenal.

Thom with a lot of junk in his trunk
We managed to strap everything down with bungee cords and rode home (I think Thom's bike looks great with a basket on the back). More sales and treasures tomorrow!


1 comment:

  1. Wow - nice finds! Gotta love the Gold Coast
