Sunday, July 1, 2012

Just Another Manic Sunday


It's the first Sunday of the month and that means the Alameda Point Antiques Faire is happening or rather, has happened. If you've ever been to "The Point", it's a wonderful venue to find whatever you need or want, but be warned, it's not a flea market. In my opinion, a flea market is a place you have to rummage, hunt and haggle for a bargain. The Point is none of these things. Everything at the The Point is good, no rummaging involved. If you're wanting a mid century dining table with matching chairs, it's probably at The Point. If you're looking for vintage linens or theatre posters from France, it's probably at The Point. But for all the above, you're gonna pay a premium. And I find that most vendors there don't haggle.

So KBD and I, wanting to save some money, went to our usual Sunday flea market haunt. It was busy as usual even though some of the regulars we know where peddling their wares at The Point. Not much today, just some more silver servers and a brass elephant bell. KBD figured we can use the bell to signal the beginning of lunch.

I blame the lack of goods for the picnic on the weather. It's been awfully gloomy the past two days, and bargains only come out when the sun is shining.


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